Island Exchange

Island Exchange, abbreviated ISLD, was an electronic securities exchange, now part of NASDAQ. Island changed its name to Inet ATS, Inc. ("Inet") effective November 17, 2003.

Island, like other electronic communication networks, was an order-pairing system that gives brokerage firms the power to electronically track and match reciprocal buy and sell orders at the same limit price and lot size.

Island's efficient and reliable systems reduce costs to both brokerage firms and investors and facilitate high speed pairings of buy and sell orders.

A high volume of trades were routed through Island, with over $5 billion USD handled daily in 1999.

Island was headquartered in New York City.

Since Island was integrated into NASDAQ, old URLs: and are not working anymore (though domain name registrations are active), and informational URL: takes you directly to NASDAQ trading system Web site: Free access to the popular 'BookViewer' (real-time access to exchange order book) has also been terminated.

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